Friday, 26 January 2024

A wintry 874-mile drive from John O’Groats to Land’s End – raising more than £3,500 for Shelter – has rounded off an incredible year of fund-raising at Cox Automotive.
The leading automotive services provider set a target of £25,000 back in May and has went over and above to smash that target, reaching its current total of £29,413 – with more to come.
The road trip was the final of several fund-raisers organised by Cox Automotive in 2023 – which have brought in thousands for Shelter in the UK and The Red Cross in Continental Europe. The events have included, among other things, a team member sleepout, an LCV charity auction, a mountain climb, a danceathon and a leg-wearying walk by Cox Automotive staff.
Fleet Manager Greg Elcock and colleague Kelly Lane were granted three days off work to do the driving challenge over two days just before Christmas. The car, a well-used Ford Mondeo donated by Hendy Group, was eventually auctioned at Manheim Shotts for £750 following the 17-hour journey.
Greg said: “It was an exhausting drive but extremely worthwhile, when we got to Land’s End at night it was a little scary as there are no road markings or cat’s eyes.
“There were lots of tourists there asking us what we were up to. Several donated cash on the spot. The amount raised is just incredible, much more than we hoped for. A big thanks to everyone for donating and especially to Hendys for gifting us the Mondeo.”
Sarnjit Kaur, Chief People Officer – International at Cox Automotive said: “Our people are what makes Cox Automotive the organisation it is. The speed at which this amount has been raised is proof of both that and the fact that at Cox Automotive we encourage a culture of always doing the right thing and making a positive impact at work and in the world around us.
“Last year, we set our sights on a new charity focus, to help end homelessness. That’s why we’ve chosen to support Shelter in the UK and The Red Cross in Europe.
“The drive and determination to raise this money, the variety of events organised and the will to succeed sets Cox Automotive people apart. They’ve organised sleepouts, charity auctions and even climbed mountains. Our people have well and truly made their mark and I couldn’t be more proud of each team member who has taken the time to support these incredible causes.

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